Help and Advice

Please remember this is only a guide, it does not cover every eventuality. You are the professional you must also use your knowledge, judgement and common sense. Make sure you know the restrictions, the rules, make sure you read the road signs.


Double red lines – don’t even think about it. No stopping at all.
Single red lines – no stopping during certain hours. Read the signs.
Bus stops on Red Routes – you can use these to pick up and set down….ONLY!! Do not get there early, do not hang around. You must be seen to be actively loading or unloading while you are on these bus stops.

Double yellow lines – set down and pick up permitted if there are no loading restrictions (read the signs and look out for yellow bands on the kerb).

Single yellow lines – set down and pick up permitted if there are no loading restrictions (read the signs and look out for yellow bands on the kerb).

Double Yellow bands on the kerb – no setting down or picking up at all.

Single Yellow bands on the kerb – picking up and setting down is restricted at certain times. Read the local signs.

Bus Stops on yellow routes – don’t even think about it. No stopping at all.

At the start of your journey it is useful to explain to your organiser the restrictions on the roads. If they understand the rules they can help you.

You have a mobile telephone and probably your organiser does too. When it is legal and safe to do so make use of these to be sure the group is ready to be picked up.

You must stay with your vehicle. You are not parked you are only setting down or picking up.

Make sure that you are not obstructing traffic flow.

If you are given instructions to move on by a Police Officer, Civil Enforcement Officer or Parking Attendant you must obey them.

THE TEN MINUTE RULE – use with great care!
Some local authorities have agreed to permit a 10 minute window for you to pick up and set down passengers. This only applies where there are NO loading bans. You must switch off your engine.

Local Authorities which have agreed to the 10 minute window: City of Westminster, Corporation of London, London Boroughs of Barnet, Camden, Greenwich, Richmond, Tower Hamlets and Wandsworth.

Westminster – Please pay for your Parking
The City of Westminster has made another plea to coach drivers and operators using the ‘pay to park’ coach bays in London, especially in Kingsway and the Bullied Way Coach Station in Victoria, to pay for their parking. Regular observations show that the bays are well used by coaches, but that this usage is NOT reflected in the revenue collected. Anecdotal reports reveal that drivers only pay when they see a traffic warden approaching.

There are a number of kerb side coach bays with meters or ‘pay and display’ facilities and a small number of off the street coach parks. There is also a very useful app called paybyphone (you can recognise this is the one with the 9 green squares).

You must not park on bus stops.

Please make sure to:
Pay the correct fee (do not lose the ticket or receipt).

Switch your engine off In all cases make sure that you carefully read local signs.

TfL produce an interactive coach parking map online at

You must not enter a yellow box unless your exit route is clear. (Exception: if you can enter the box and wait when you are turning right, and only stopped from doing so by oncoming traffic). Remember you are in a very long vehicle and all of it is needs to be clear of the box. Many box junctions are monitored by camera.

At the roadside… Don’t argue. Once it is issued the Officer cannot cancel it. But if there are important facts or proof that you think may mitigate the offence or lead the PCN being cancelled you can ask the Civil Enforcement Officer to record these in his note book. It would be wise to make your own notes at the same time.

For the operator… In most cases it is worth challenging. More details on the members pages. Not a member? Memebership application here.



The good news: as we speak they are working on plans to improve the drivers’ facilities. We can now contact the Coach Park direct so in the case of emergencies your office will be able to get through.

Please do not unload bags of rubbish on the forecourt when you drop groups off. There is a risk that they may be mistaken for terrorist devices, then there will be delays and problems all round.

You are our eyes and ears. Join us on Facebook to let us know of any good news, new hotspots, or difficulties that you encounter.

We will then share useful information on these pages, and hopefully be able to use your reports to work towards making things better. And keep your eyes on these pages for any helpful info that we can share.